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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCosineSignalImplements a cosine signal, i.e. alpha*cos(2*pi*f*t)
 CFiringRateSimulationImplements a simulation during which we calculate the firing rate
 CIFAbstract base class for integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons
 CIFACAn abstract base class for integrate-and-fire neurons with an adaptation current
 CIOImplements an input-output interface. Reads the command line for an input file and defines according output file
 CLIFA leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron
 CLIFACImplements a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron with an adaptation current (LIFAC)
 CNeuronAbstract base class for Neurons
 CNeuronFactoryImplements a factory pattern for neurons. This class will create a specific neuron, depending on the type of neuron given in an input file
 CPIFImplements a perfect integrate-and-fire (PIF) neuron
 CPIFACImplement a perfect integrate-and-fire neuron with an adaptation current (PIFAC)
 CSignalAn abstract base class for signals
 CSignalFactoryImplements the factory design pattern for Signal
 CSpikeTrainA spike train for discretized times. For a given time discretization with time step dt, a spike train is an array that, at each entry, is either zero if the neuron hasn't spiked or 1/dt if the neuron has spiked
 CStepSignalImplement a step get_value, i.e. alpha*Theta(t - t_0)
 CSusceptibilitySimulationImplements a prototype simulation during which we measure the susceptibility of an integrate-and-fire neuron (with or without adaptation)
 CSusceptibilitySimulationLinA simulation where we measure the linear (first order) susceptibility of an integrate-and-fire neuron
 CSusceptibilitySimulationLinNonlinA simulation where we measure the linear (first order) susceptibility as well as the diagonal and antidiagonal second order susceptibility of an integrate-and-fire neuron
 CSusceptibilitySimulationNonlinA simulation where we measure the nonlinear (second order) susceptibility of an integrate-and-fire neuron
 CTimeFrameA time frame with discrete time steps
 CTwoCosineSignalImplements a signal consisting of two cosine, i.e. alpha*cos(2*pi*f1*t)
 CWhiteNoiseSignalImplements a band limited white gaussian noise get_value